
Transmuting Scarcity

July 05, 20248 min read

The Alchemy of Consciousness:

Transmuting Scarcity into Abundance

transmuting scarcity


I recently attended another one of our fantastic Millionaire Mindset Group Meetings Wednesday morning. Our small but dynamic group of four includes a billionaire, a millionaire, a successful real estate developer, and myself. We dive into various business mindsets and strategies for overcoming obstacles.

These meetings always energize me, offering practical tools I can immediately apply to my life. This week, our conversation naturally flowed into discussing how we each interpret 'waiting' on customers, clients, and sales.

During our talk, I had an important realization: I've been putting too much focus on clients and sales as the source of my financial provision. I recognized the need to shift my perspective - to look inward and connect with the true source of my provision, rather than relying solely on external factors which inevitably leads to stress. 

The Process of Discovery

Later, I "stumbled" upon a YouTube video featuring a millionaire speaker who described his struggle with a scarcity mindset. Despite his wealth, he constantly fretted over paying bills, thinking, "I need to hold onto my money and prioritize which expenses to cover. I'll delay some payments and save the rest because I'm uncertain about future sales."

His coach challenged him, asking, 'Why choose between bills? Why not pay both?' The speaker's response - "Because I don't know if more sales will come in" - hit me like a ton of bricks.

I suddenly realized I do the exact same thing, and I'd been completely unaware of it. This revelation showed me that a scarcity mindset isn't just about being poor; it's a way of thinking that can affect anyone, regardless of their financial status. I was stunned to learn that a millionaire could have a zero balance in their bank account. This revelation shattered my preconceptions about wealth and financial security.

This unexpected connection between our group discussion on "waiting" for sales and the video insight has opened a new door for self-reflection. I'm now exploring how this hidden scarcity mindset has been influencing my approach to business and life, prompting me to reconsider my relationship with money and success."

A scarcity mindset is characterized by a belief that there are limited resources, opportunities, or solutions available. People with this mindset often focus on what they lack and view challenges as threats to their already limited resources.

An abundance mindset, on the other hand, is based on the belief that there are plenty of resources and opportunities available. People with this mindset tend to see challenges as chances to learn, grow, and create value.

I AM Source

I immediately turned inward, sitting in silence and allowing my thoughts to run wild. As I observed them, I realized they were indeed focused on scarcity. This revelation struck me: If I AM abundance, if I AM the supply, why was I looking outside myself for provision?

I love these moments of clarity when I catch a pattern and can annihilate it.

I was clearly engaging in this scarcity thinking unconsciously, but I was elated to have discovered it and be able to transmute it. The process of discovery itself deserves the spotlight here.

I wouldn't have uncovered this pattern if I hadn't been actively looking for it. During our millionaire mindset meeting, I put out an intention to identify my financial blocks. This intention set a powerful chain of events in motion: our group discussion, the seemingly random YouTube video afterwards, and my decision to go within and reflect. All these elements played crucial roles in revealing the answer and helping me discover this hidden pattern.

My Transmuting Process

I know everyone wants to know, "So what do you do to transmute it?" While I discuss this process in-depth and guide people through it in my coaching packages, I'll touch on it briefly here.

Throughout the day, whenever I became aware of entertaining scarcity thoughts, I would consciously shift to thoughts of abundance. I would affirm, "I AM abundance." The more I caught this pattern and replaced it with abundant thoughts, the more I created a new default in my brain.

New thoughts of abundance began firing in my brain when thoughts of lack showed up, effectively replacing the scarcity mindset. Soon enough, I found myself thinking "I AM Abundance" more often than focusing on scarcity. As a result, my 3D circumstances had no choice but to reflect back my now-dominant thoughts of abundance.

This process demonstrates the power of conscious thought replacement and consistent practice in rewiring our mental patterns.

Robotic Affirming

I discovered that my thoughts of scarcity were, ironically, "abundant." I hadn't realized how much I focused on scarcity - it was literally all day. I'd catch myself mid-thought and realize I had been dwelling on lack for hours.

My plan to transmute this pattern was ambitious: affirm 'I AM Abundant' 10,000 times a day. I knew that affirming anything 10,000 times would inevitably create new neurological pathways. So, I downloaded a counting app and began my affirmation campaign.

I approached this scarcity mindset like a parasite, a virus that needed to be eradicated. I affirmed day and night, reasoning that if I was constantly affirming abundance, I couldn't simultaneously entertain thoughts of scarcity. After all, the brain can only focus on one thing at a time.

I recognize this might seem obsessive, but I was attacking this mindset with a vengeance. I was done letting it rob me of my potential and peace of mind.

This aggressive approach to rewiring my thought patterns was my way of taking control, of actively choosing abundance over the ingrained habit of scarcity thinking.

Rewiring the brain

After researching online, I discovered that repeating anything 10,000 times creates a new neurological pathway. Armed with this knowledge, I was determined to exceed that number of daily repetitions.

I found that my average count per day was close to 2,000-2,500 repetitions. To boost these numbers and enhance the experience, I got creative. I started watching the billionaire lifestyle channel, syncing my affirmations to the background music while viewing videos showcasing abundant lifestyles.

This approach added a powerful visual element to my practice. As I affirmed 'I AM Abundant,' I was simultaneously immersing myself in images of luxury and wealth. This multi-sensory experience helped me vividly imagine myself in those opulent environments, further reinforcing my new abundance mindset.

By engaging both auditory and visual senses, I was not just repeating words, but creating a full-bodied experience of abundance. This method allowed me to maintain my intense focus while making the process more engaging and impactful.

In just three days, I had reached my goal of 10,000 affirmations. But this achievement led to an even more profound realization: If I had been unconsciously thinking thoughts of lack, what other limiting beliefs might be lurking in my subconscious?

This epiphany sparked a new intention - to uncover and address other "parasites" in my thought patterns. I realized that this journey of self-discovery and mindset transformation was far from over; it was just beginning.

One crucial insight I gained through this process was the brain's inability to entertain multiple thoughts simultaneously. When you're consciously focusing on a specific thought, that's the one moment you can be certain you're not unconsciously dwelling on something else. This understanding became a powerful tool in my ongoing mindset work.

By actively choosing and focusing on positive, empowering thoughts, I was not only reinforcing my new abundance mindset but also preventing unconscious negative thoughts from creating my reality. This practice of intentional thinking became a cornerstone of my creation process.

My reality has no choice but to reflect back to me my most dominant thoughts.


Avoid judging your progress solely on immediate circumstances. Much is happening behind the scenes that you can't perceive. Unseen forces are at work, set in motion by your affirmations. Remember, everything can change in an instant as you shift into your new reality. It's crucial not to measure your success based on current circumstances alone. Trust that your reality has no choice but to mirror your most dominant thoughts back to you. Stay tuned for an update to this blog where I'll share my observations on this technique.

Transmuting checklist:

Here is a quick checklist to get you started transmuting your patterns into victories

  • Put out an intention to discover your blocks/patterns.

  • Sit in silence and allow your thoughts to run wild without trying to control them.

  • Be the observer. Observe your thoughts and notice where they tend to go.

  • Journal where your thoughts went. (I offer a downloadable journal for this purpose.)

  • Be aware of 3D signals, like the video and group message I encountered.

  • Journal these messages. (I have a specific slot for this in my downloadable journal.)

  • Create an affirmation opposite of the pattern you've identified.

  • Begin affirming for three days straight with a vengeance.

  • Journal your results to track your progress and see the difference.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. I hope you see success in all you do.

    Visit my website for more growth tools and community.

High Performance Success Coach

Joseph J. Lilavois

High Performance Success Coach

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