Mouse Trap

Spiritual Lessons from a Mouse Trap

August 01, 20244 min read

Title: The Spiritual Lesson in a Mouse Trap: Unveiling Inner Truths

bucket mouse trap

Introduction: An Unexpected Teacher

I recently purchased the Mavone Bucket Mouse Trap on Amazon. You might wonder why I'm reviewing a product on my "spiritual" blog. Trust me, it will make sense by the end.

The Principle: As Within, So Without

It all starts with the concept "as within, so without." This simple phrase has taken my life down an unexpected path. It means that everything in your 3D circumstances merely reflects an inner condition. You can explore this concept as deeply as you wish, but the truth remains: what you see in your current reality is projected from within you.

Mirroring Reality: The Manifestation Burden

To understand what's within you, look at the mirror of your circumstances. Recently, I've been carrying too much of a "manifestation" burden, obsessing over "creating" without entering into the “rest” stage.

If you don't enter into the “rest” stage, as God did after six days of creation, you send a message that you don't have what you've created. Entering into Rest is crucial; it signals that what you've created is already yours, eliminating the need to keep "trying" or "creating."

The Body Speaks: Decoding Physical Symptoms

In my Major Change Journal,

Journal, Change, Daily Journal

I noticed I was consistently writing about Right Shoulder Pain. My subconscious communicates that the left side relates to 3D effort, while the right side indicates spiritual matters. The right shoulder pain suggested I was carrying too much of a spiritual burden. Shoulder pain symbolizes the burdens we carry, like backpacks, that we carry over our shoulders.

The Mouse Trap: A Metaphor Manifested

So, what does this have to do with a mouse trap? It indicated an internal issue. Remember, "as within, so without"? Each person's subconscious speaks in its own language, which is why generic symbol dictionaries don't work for everyone.

You're unique, with your own fears and definitions that your subconscious uses to communicate.

Interpreting Symbols: A Personal Language

I teach my coaches  in their weekly training sessions at the academy to interpret their clients' subconscious symbols by first understanding what a particular symbol means to them. If it doesn't hold a specific meaning, we examine its function.

The Symbolism of Mice: Internal Erosion

To me, mice and rats represent the little things that eat away at us internally.

Just as they gnaw at the wires inside your walls, worries and internalized problems eat away at us from within.

To catch what was destroying my shed, I set this trap overnight, only to find the bait gone and no mouse in the bucket. Despite online videos showing its success, I experienced failure wherever I set these traps.

The Lesson: Reading Instructions and Overcoming Pride

The reason? I failed to read and follow the instructions. I assumed the bait should go on the trap door. When I placed it there, even a small amount of peanut butter caused the door to tilt.

Mayonne Buckey mouse trap

I moved the bait closer to the middle until it didn't tilt the door. In doing so, I'd moved the bait so close to the edge that rats could sit on the bucket's rim and eat without falling in. Upon reading the directions, I realized my mistake and placed the bait on the inside of the lid covering the platform.

mavonne bucket mouse trap

This setup forced the mice to go all the way in to get the bait, triggering the trap door.

Reflection: The Dangers of Quick Judgment

Lesson learned: I was quick to judge and stubborn. I didn't seek direction, believing I already knew it all. I realized I give up too soon. In giving up I would have wasted money and complained about being a victim of poor design.

The Big Picture: Manifestation and Following Instructions

How quick we are to judge and complain, especially when we don't see the big picture. The manifestation burden I was carrying, indicated by my shoulder pain, was due to not following manifestation instructions. You create for a maximum of six days, then rest.

That rest is as critical as placing the bait correctly. Without this crucial step, the entire process becomes useless.

Success and Self-Awareness

The trap ended up working perfectly as designed. I'm now aware of the internal issues causing these 3D circumstances to appear in my reality mirror.

The Power of Journaling

Without my journaling practice, I might never have noticed this. You can read about that practice in my previous blog (link here).

Conclusion: Growth Through Unexpected Means

These blogs aim to promote growth and expand consciousness. This mouse trap will always be known for catching mice, but unknowingly, it caught the little vermin within me that needed addressing.

That's why I'm highlighting this product. I must give credit where it's due and give back to the company as they unknowingly gave to me

Final Thoughts: The World as Your Mirror

Look around and become aware of everything outside of you that appears in your reality. "As within, so without." It will astound you how much it speaks to you.

Need help discovering your subconscious messages? Click here for a free 15 min consultation with me. 

High Performance Success Coach

Joseph J. Lilavois

High Performance Success Coach

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