money mindset

Dinosaur Dividends

August 08, 20248 min read

Dinosaur Dividends: Unearthing Financial Wisdom in Unexpected Places

money mindset

Investment Insights

I participate in a bimonthly money mindset group that has been instrumental in transforming my financial perspective. For insights into my previous breakthrough regarding the scarcity mindset, you can refer to my earlier post. This morning, our discussion organically evolved to focus on investment mentality. Listening to diverse viewpoints can be incredibly enlightening, especially when they challenge your existing beliefs.

To achieve different outcomes, it's crucial to adopt new approaches; maintaining the status quo will only yield familiar results.

Embracing Change for Financial Growth

"If you want to have something different, you must do something different."

I embraced this wisdom during our meeting, attentively absorbing insights from those who have achieved greater financial success. My focus wasn't merely on the topics they discussed, but on discerning the underlying mindsets that drive their financial decisions and behaviors. By honing in on these mental frameworks, I aim to cultivate new perspectives that can propel my own financial growth.

The Billionaire's Investment Philosophy

During our meeting, "The Billionaire" of our group casually shared a profound investment principle that struck me deeply. He stated,

"I only invest in things I know will yield 100 times profit."

When another member assumed he meant 100% profit, he clarified his stance: he doesn't bother with mere 100% profit deals, considering them commonplace and abundant. Instead, he exclusively pursues opportunities with potential for 100x returns, dismissing lesser prospects as unworthy of his time and resources.

Confronting Limiting Beliefs

This revelation triggered an intense self-examination, compelling me to meditate on why my mindset differed so drastically. My initial reaction was to eagerly accept those 100% profit deals, but I swiftly recognized this as a limiting perspective.

I realized that desiring what a wealthy individual dismisses signals a mindset I need to overcome.

Despite the challenge of abandoning the allure of 100% profits, I understood that embracing this mentality would be settling for less. This moment became a catalyst for transforming my investment philosophy and expanding my financial horizons.

High-Value Treasure Hunting

While our "Billionaire" has ventures in cryptocurrency, including a business where nations adopt it as government currency, his primary wealth stems from a different source. He specializes in identifying and reselling undervalued, high-worth relics that people unknowingly sell for a fraction of their true value. A recent example illustrates this:

Our "Millionaire" acquired a Jean-Michel Basquiat painting for $4,000. The Billionaire, leveraging his network and marketing acumen, had it professionally appraised at $90 million.

The sale of this painting, expected to close soon, perfectly illustrates their strategy of pursuing investments with astronomical returns.

From Theory to Practice: Scaling Investment Principles

Eager to apply this concept to my own situation, I probed for insights applicable to smaller-scale investments. I asked, "If this works with millions, how can someone start with just hundreds?" Taking it further, I inquired about teaching these principles to my six-year-old son, aiming to instill wealth-building habits early. The surprisingly simple yet profound advice:

Have him purchase a bag of dinosaur toys online for a few dollars, then resell each dinosaur individually for profit.

This practical suggestion brilliantly scales down the high-value relic concept, making it accessible and educational for beginners of any age.

Shifting Paradigms: From Service to Scalable Wealth

Indeed, some might dismiss this as "basic business," but the principle scales from pennies to billions. Intriguingly, our Billionaire asserted that generating billions is actually easier than making hundreds. Whether you find this concept elementary or revolutionary, it was a pivotal moment for me—someone who would have gladly settled for a 100% profit mentality.

This insight shattered a mental barrier that had kept me stagnant, shifting my focus from trading time or services for money to identifying and capitalizing on exponential value opportunities.

It's a transformative perspective that opens up new avenues for wealth creation.

Evolving Money Mindsets: A Father-Son Journey

I recently witnessed how profoundly my actions shape my six-year-old son's understanding of money. One day, I overheard him declare he needed to go outside to "work" because he wanted money for a toy. This moment starkly revealed how my lifetime of manual labor, particularly running a door manufacturing business from our backyard, had imprinted on him. He'd watch me work, mimicking my actions with his toy tools.

It broke my heart to realize I was unconsciously programming a "work hard for money" mindset into him.

This realization prompted an immediate career change. I transitioned to online consulting, but again underestimated my influence until I observed him on a FaceTime call with my girlfriend. Upon ending the "meeting," he confidently stated, "Now you need to pay me." While we decided to pay him to reinforce that hard physical labor wasn't the only path to income, I saw an opportunity for a deeper lesson.

I sat him down and explained that people paid me for the valuable knowledge I shared, not just for meeting time. The next day, this lesson bore fruit in an unexpected way. I overheard him teaching his Aunt Rose how to play Roblox, a game he excels at on his iPad. As the impromptu lesson concluded, he proclaimed, "Now you need to pay me."

He had quickly grasped the concept of monetizing skills and knowledge, applying it to his own expertise.

This evolution—from imitating physical labor to understanding value-based compensation—demonstrates a promising shift in his developing financial mindset.

It's a journey we're navigating together, each lesson bringing new insights into how we perceive and pursue financial growth.

Moses: A Metaphor for Financial Liberation

This journey of shifting mindsets parallels the biblical story of Moses, offering a powerful metaphor for financial transformation. Like Moses, who spent 40 years in Egypt before fleeing to the Sinai desert for another 40 years, we often experience different financial "landscapes" before finding our true calling.

Moses' unique experience in both Egypt and the desert prepared him to lead the Israelites from familiar bondage to unfamiliar freedom.

His time in Egypt gave him insight into their struggles, while his desert years equipped him to guide them through unfamiliar territory.

Similarly, our Millionaire Mindset group serves as a "burning bush" moment, commissioning us to lead ourselves and others from financial Egypt to the Promised Land of prosperity.

The challenge lies not just in escaping old financial patterns ("getting out of Egypt"), but in shedding limiting beliefs ("getting Egypt out of us").

This process of unlearning old mindsets and embracing new ones is crucial. The scarcity mentality that keeps us in financial bondage cannot thrive in the abundance of our financial Promised Land. By learning from those who've navigated this journey, we're better equipped to guide ourselves and others toward true financial freedom.

Influential Connections: Shaping Your Financial Future

Who are your daily companions? It's often said, "Show me who you're hanging out with now, and I'll predict your future." This adage, along with

"If you sleep with dogs, you'll wake up with fleas,"

underscores the profound impact of our social circles on our trajectory.

This wisdom drives my choice to surround myself with individuals who think on a grander scale and have achieved far more than I have—even astronomically more. The rationale is clear: even if I only attain a quarter of what the billionaire in our group has accomplished, it still represents a significant leap from my current position.

By cultivating relationships with those who have reached extraordinary levels of success, we expose ourselves to expanded possibilities, challenge our limiting beliefs, and absorb invaluable insights. This strategic approach to networking isn't about comparison or envy, but about inspiration and growth. It's a powerful reminder that our environment shapes our aspirations and, ultimately, our outcomes.

Reflection and Growth: Your Financial Evolution

In conclusion, I challenge you to reflect on your money mindset journey. Consider the financial 'Egypt' you've escaped, the 'desert' you've traversed, and whether you've reached your 'Promised Land' or are still navigating the wilderness. Do you have a 'Moses' – a mentor guiding you through each stage of your financial evolution?

Examine your social circle. Are you surrounded by those who elevate your thinking and challenge your growth, or by those who might hold you back? Financial comfort can be deceptive; true growth often lies just beyond our comfort zones.

Our Millionaire Mindset group aims to challenge and expand your financial perspective.

It's not just about learning from others' successes, but also about sharing your own insights to uplift those still on earlier stages of their journey. There's profound satisfaction in witnessing others' 'aha' moments, whether you're the billionaire sharing hard-earned wisdom or the millionaire changing lives through experience.

Remember, by learning from others' journeys – their time in 'Egypt' and mistakes in the 'desert' – we can potentially shortcut our own 40-year lessons. Each shared insight, each challenged assumption, is a step towards collective growth and prosperity.

As you move forward, stay open to new perspectives, seek out those who inspire you to reach higher, and never underestimate the power of a growth-oriented community in shaping your financial future. Your next breakthrough might just be one conversation, one mindset shift, or one bold decision away.

I’m off to buy a bag of dinosaurs!


High Performance Success Coach

Joseph J. Lilavois

High Performance Success Coach

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