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Discovering a Hidden Passion: Writing as a Path to Growth

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Transmuting Fear

July 12, 20246 min read

Transmuting Fear: The Judo Principle of Life Mastery


When I was a child in Los Angeles, school was a heavy burden. Local gangs bullied me relentlessly. My father's solution? Karate lessons. But for me, they fell short in real street fights.

Then came my first visit to a judo studio. The teacher tossed me around effortlessly. The harder I punched, the further he flung me across the room. He used my own energy against me, unlike karate where we met force with resistance.

This shift in perspective - from resisting to redirecting - would prove valuable far beyond the mat. It became a life principle, teaching me to work with, not against, the forces I encountered.


This is the perfect illustration of transmutation. Just as the judo master used my punch's energy to catapult me, you can use fear's energy to propel yourself into the life you desire.

When fear strikes, when you feel that energy rise within, harness it. At that very moment close your eyes and imagine the exact opposite. Feeling anxiety about not having enough money for bills? Stop. Close your eyes. Visualize having more than enough, with thousands of dollars left over.

By doing this in the face of fear, you're declaring that whatever comes at you becomes fuel for creation. It's free energy to shape your desired life. The same fear that subconsciously created lack can now create abundance.

The Key

The key? Timing. Wait for the exact moment the punch is thrown - when fear is at its peak. That's when its energy is most potent for transformation.

This approach turns fear from a bully into a tool. It's not about resisting or avoiding fear, but redirecting its power. You're not just defending against life's challenges; you're using them to catapult yourself forward.

Remember: The energy that created your current circumstances can be the same energy that transforms them. It's all in how you choose to use it.

Resistance: The Hidden Obstacle to Growth

"Whatever you resist, persists." This law has become my personal mantra, a guiding principle in navigating life's challenges.

The art of allowing has been a transformative tool, significantly shortening the learning phase of each trial. When you resist a situation, it digs in its heels, persisting until you face it head-on. But facing it doesn't mean resisting it, as I learned from my karate experience.

Instead, welcome the circumstance as a visitor bearing wisdom. By doing so, you learn the lesson without wasting energy fighting the process.

Wandering in the desert

There's a saying that it only took 11 days to get from Egypt to the Promised Land. Whether historically accurate or not, it's a powerful analogy. Instead of 11 days, the Bible recounts 40 years of wilderness wandering - one year for each day they "feared" the giants in the Promised Land.

In essence, they created their own sentence, a life of wandering, by resisting fear instead of transmuting it. Or, to use our earlier metaphor, they failed to "judo" it.

Self-imposed prison

This resistance to fear became their self-imposed prison. Had they embraced the challenge, redirected their fear into courage, their journey might have been drastically shorter.

The lesson? Resistance prolongs our struggles. Allowing - even when it's uncomfortable - accelerates our growth. It's not about ignoring challenges or pretending they don't exist. It's about changing our relationship with them.

By treating each obstacle as a teacher rather than an enemy, we transform our journey. We move from fighting against life to flowing with it, from resisting to redirecting.

This shift doesn't just change our circumstances; it changes us. It turns our wilderness wanderings into purposeful journeys, our fears into stepping stones.

Remember: The quickest path to your "Promised Land" might just be through the giants you fear, not around them.

Facing the Giants: Conquering Your Promised Land

The Promised Land, as taught in church, was often portrayed as Heaven. But this analogy falls short. There are no giants to fight to get in to heaven. The real giants? They're in our minds, standing between us and our earthly "land of promises."

Everything you desire is available here and now. Every dream, every aspiration - it's all within reach. The catch? You must have the courage to face the giants of fear and insecurity that are sitting on your promised land. 

These giants aren't physical beings. They're the doubts that whisper "you can't." The insecurities that shout "you're not worthy." The fears that paralyze you into inaction.

But here's the truth: The land of your dreams is rightfully yours. It's not reserved for the select few. It's not waiting for you in some distant afterlife. It's here, ready for you to claim it.

It's a State You Create

Remember the judo principle: Don't resist these giants. Redirect their energy. Use the force of your fears to catapult you towards your goals.

Your Promised Land isn't a place you go to; it's a state you create. It's the life you build when you refuse to let mental giants dictate your limits.

So, what giants are you facing? What dreams are waiting on the other side of your fears? It's time to step into your power, face those giants, and claim the life that's rightfully yours.

Your Promised Land is waiting. Are you ready to occupy it?

From Victim to Victor: Transforming Your Life's Narrative

This is my life's purpose: to guide those beaten down by life's circumstances from victim to victor. It's not just a goal; it's a calling.

Life can be relentless. It throws challenges that can make you feel powerless, trapped in a narrative you didn't choose. But here's the truth - you're not destined to remain a victim of your circumstances.

I've created a 5-week course designed to revolutionize your mindset. It goes beyond positive thinking or empty affirmations. It's a fundamental transformation.

This course takes you on a journey:

1. From being controlled by life's circumstances

2. To actively creating the life of your dreams

It's a shift from reactive to proactive living. From feeling at the mercy of external forces to becoming the architect of your own reality.

Over these 5 weeks, you'll:

- Identify limiting beliefs holding you back

- Learn to transmute fear into fuel for growth

- Develop strategies to redirect life's challenges

- Master the art of conscious creation

We focus on thriving, not just surviving. We work on reclaiming your power and rewriting your story.

Remember, every victor was once a victim who decided to change their narrative. You have that same power within you.

Are you ready to step into your power? To transform from victim to victor? To create the life you've always dreamed of?

Your journey from controlled to creator starts here. Let's rewrite your story together.

High Performance Success Coach

Joseph J. Lilavois

High Performance Success Coach

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