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Discovering a Hidden Passion: Writing as a Path to Growth

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Revisions: The Secret Weapon of Manifestation

July 15, 20245 min read

Revisions: The Secret Weapon of Manifestation


This practice has become one of the most powerful "secrets" in my manifestation toolbox. Neville Goddard introduced me to the concept of revision in one of his books.

Revision involves replacing an unfavorable event in your day with a more favorable outcome of your choice. As you may recall from my previous blogs, at the end of each day I perform a daily breakdown. This assessment covers the events, symbols, dreams, circumstances, feelings, and successes of the day. Crucially, I revise those situations I would have preferred to end differently in the Major Change Journal I created.


By actively revising less-than-ideal situations, we're exercising our power to choose how we interpret and internalize our experiences. This practice aligns our subconscious mind with our conscious desires, potentially influencing future outcomes.

Remember, our subconscious doesn't distinguish between vivid imagination and actual experience. By revising events, we're creating new, empowering "memories" that shape our future experiences.

Client Examples: The Power of Revision in Action

I have a client who faces significant challenges in her relationship. In the "issues to transmute" section of her Major Change Journal, she consistently entered "control issues" as her daily focus.

Her goal was to break free from being controlled by her emotions and external circumstances. Each night, during her daily breakdown, she would revise instances where she had become upset and controlling.

In her revisions, she reimagined these moments with patience and forgiveness.

This revision process occurs entirely in the imagination. As I've mentioned before, the mind doesn't distinguish between reality and vividly imagined scenarios.

By imagining that her day unfolded as she desired, she creates a new "normal" in her brain.

The process works like this:

1. Identify the challenging moment

2. Close your eyes and vividly reimagine the scene

3. Replace negative reactions with desired responses

4. Feel the emotions of this new scenario

5. End the revision with a sense of gratitude

By consistently revising her day, this client is actively reprogramming her subconscious responses. She's creating new neural pathways that support her desired way of being.

Road Blocks: Redefining Challenges as Opportunities

I have a client who works as a real estate developer. When we initially began our regular sessions to review his daily breakdown, he consistently "defined" challenging events as "road blocks," expressing a sense of exasperation. This unconscious definition was literally manifesting more roadblocks for him to encounter in his future.

His homework was to revise these perceived roadblocks. Instead of seeing them as obstacles happening "To" him, he was to reimagine them as unexpected miracles happening "For" him.

The process aims to:

- Transform negative expectations into positive anticipation

- Uncover hidden opportunities in challenges

- Align his subconscious with a more empowering reality

By consistently revising these "road blocks" into "unexpected miracles," my client is reprogramming his subconscious to expect positive outcomes, even in challenging situations. 

Revising Debt: The Power of Persistent Imagination

I have a client who was deeply in debt, constantly hounded by creditors. The incessant phone calls, letters, and harassing emails were becoming overwhelming. He made a bold decision to revise each day as though his bills were all forgiven.

His revision practice:

- When bills arrived in the mail, he read them as letters of forgiveness, notifying him that his debt had been canceled.

- Daily phone calls from creditors were reimagined as calls informing him his debt was paid in full.

- He was summoned to court, and in his revisions, he imagined the judge dismissing the case and canceling his debt completely.

The outcome was remarkable. Upon appearing in front of the judge, his debt was indeed completely canceled, and the case dismissed, exactly as he had imagined.

I vividly recall his reaction when he called me after the court date. His calmness was striking. He said,

"I thought I would be more excited than this, but I had imagined it and felt the feelings of relief so much, that when it actually manifested, I wasn't the least surprised. It was just another normal occurrence, since I had already lived the moment in all of my revisions."

Using Revision To Create: Elevating Aspirations Through Collective Imagination

I have a client who is already a millionaire and attends our millionaire mindset group. With him and others like him, I employ revisions differently, pushing the boundaries of their current reality.

His daily revision practice:

- Revise the day "as if" he's a billionaire, engaging in billionaire activities

- Imagine selling a couple billion in assets

- Visualize flying to France for coffee in his private jet

- Picture his wife and personal success coach (me) by his side during these adventures

By revising his day as a billionaire, he's programming his subconscious to align with this elevated reality.

Importantly, I've partnered with him in this revision. I, too, revise my day including these same exact scenarios. This collaborative approach amplifies the power of the practice. The energy of two people creating the same dream is significantly more potent than one.

By engaging in this practice together, we're not just imagining a new reality - we're co-creating it. This shared vision has the potential to manifest opportunities and circumstances that align with our billionaire revisions.

Remember, revision serves as a powerful tool for creating future realities. By consistently living our aspirations in our mind, we pave the way for their physical manifestation. 

Have you considered the power of collaborative revision? How might partnering with someone in your visualizations amplify your manifestation efforts?

High Performance Success Coach

Joseph J. Lilavois

High Performance Success Coach

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