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Law of Attraction

Rethinking The Law of Attraction

July 15, 20246 min read

Rethinking the Law of Attraction: A Journey to Inner Creation

Law of Attraction

I'm grateful for Rhonda Byrne, the author of "The Secret." Her work has been incredible, and watching "The Secret" movie was a turning point in my personal growth. I admire Rhonda for pursuing her passion - her efforts have helped millions manifest their desires.

In a recent interview with Lewis Howes, Rhonda clarified her interpretation of The Law of Attraction. Much of what she said resonates with me. However, my understanding of The Law of Attraction has a slightly different perspective, which I'd like to share.

Attraction or Manifestation?

The idea of attraction suggests a separation. It implies that what we want is "out there" somewhere, and we're pulling it towards us.

This creates a divide - if I'm separate from what I want, it's not coming from me.

So, we should ask ourselves: Are we really attracting things to us, or are we creating them? If we're manifesting something, aren't we bringing it forth from within? If that's true, how can it be separate from us and being drawn to us, as the law of attraction suggests?


I believe in Oneness. I'm One with Source, One with God. The name of God is I AM, and I am One with God. The persona of Joe isn't God, The character Joe, is not God, but the consciousness within, when I say I AM, IS God. This concept means I'm not separate from God.

If God is the I AM of humanity, the consciousness within us, then I AM creating what I desire rather than attracting it to me. When I AM conscious of being something, I become that thing. This shifts the focus from something outside of me to looking within. Essentially, I AM giving it to myself.

This perspective changes how we view manifestation. Instead of reaching out to grab something external, we're tapping into our inner power to create. It's recognizing that what we seek is already a part of us, waiting to be awakened or realized.

By understanding this, we move from a place of lack or separation to one of wholeness and empowerment. We're not attracting something foreign to us; we're allowing our inner reality to shape our outer experience.

The Comb Theory: Oneness and the Art of Manifestation

I was explaining Oneness to a client one day, while on the phone I opened a drawer and saw a comb. Then it hit me. Oneness is like a comb. All the individual teeth represent us as individuals who believe we are separate. But each tooth is connected to a larger base which connects all the individual teeth, making it all one unit.

Can the individual tooth say it is separate from the next tooth? Can it be separate from the larger base? It's all One unit with individual parts. In the same way, we are all One with a larger Source which I call God, and we are the individual teeth. In essence we are all one with each other and God.

This analogy helps visualize the concept of Oneness in a tangible way. It illustrates how we can appear separate on the surface, yet remain fundamentally connected. Just as each tooth of the comb has its unique position and role, we too have our individual experiences and perspectives. However, like the teeth of the comb, we're all rooted in the same source, interconnected and part of a greater whole.

This perspective challenges our notion of separation and invites us to see the underlying unity in all things. It suggests that our individuality doesn't negate our oneness, but rather contributes to the rich diversity within the unified whole.

Knowing who you are

When you realize who you are, you can create anything you want. For me, this has proven to be the key that unlocked my manifestations. Before, what I desired eluded me, it was far off in the distance and I was "trying" too hard to attract it to me.

I might be focusing on small details here, if the law of attraction works for you then I say continue on with your techniques.

But for me, knowing that it came from within me, empowered me in such a way that I in a sense "woke up" as if I was asleep with this potent powerful creating force within me and didn't know it.

This realization shifts the entire paradigm of manifestation. Instead of seeing ourselves as separate entities trying to pull things from an external world, we recognize our innate power to create from within. It's like discovering a wellspring of potential that was always there, just waiting to be tapped.

This internal approach to manifestation aligns with the concept of Oneness. If we're all connected to the source of creation, then our desires aren't separate from us - they're expressions of our inner selves. By acknowledging this, we move from a place of lack to one of abundance, from seeking to recognizing, from attracting to creating.

It's a powerful shift in perspective that can dramatically change how we approach our goals and dreams. Rather than chasing after external things, we're aligning with our true nature as creators.

Going within

When I sit in silence every morning, I'm tapping into who I truly am. Consciousness. God lives in this temple called a human body. When I use my imagination I'm creating the most incredible things, experiences and encounters as God.

Have you ever wondered why we're the only creatures that have an imagination? It's because we are creators. I love animals, I have many of them here on our small farm, but they can't imagine and create like humans can. We were designed to create whatever we can imagine. This comes from knowing that it all comes from within, not externally being attracted to you.

This practice of inner silence and imagination is powerful. It's a recognition of our unique capacity as humans to envision and bring into being new realities.

Our imagination isn't just idle daydreaming - it's a creative force, a direct link to our inner divinity.

By framing our creative abilities in this way, we shift from being passive recipients of external circumstances to active participants in shaping our reality. Our focus shifts from attracting external elements to allowing our inner vision to unfold into our external experience.

This perspective aligns beautifully with the concept of Oneness. If we're all expressions of the divine, then our imagination becomes a tool for manifesting that divinity in our lives. It's a reminder of our inherent power and potential, waiting to be awakened through conscious intention and belief.

Manifestation Techniques

No matter what technique you use, whether law of attraction or creating from within, if all you want is the thing you desire, then it makes no difference what you believe really.

For some, waking up to who you are and all that is available to you as a human with God living in them fully equipped with an imagination to boot.. Oneness and waking up is where it's at. This is what I teach in my victim to victor course. 

No matter if you disagree or agree I would love to hear your comments. My readers are very respectful even when they disagree, so I appreciate you all keeping it respectful in the comments. I look forward to hearing your perspective.


High Performance Success Coach

Joseph J. Lilavois

High Performance Success Coach

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