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Discovering a Hidden Passion: Writing as a Path to Growth

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Life's leading

Don't Eat the Carrot: A Guide to Unlocking Life's Greater Rewards

July 25, 20245 min read

Don't Eat the Carrot: A Life-Changing Analogy

Life's leading

Disclaimer: This is an analogy. Horse owners, please note it's not meant to be a literal guide for equine care. (LOL)

I frequently use this illustration with clients and in my courses because it's been transformative in my own life. 

The Analogy:

Imagine a carrot dangled in front of a horse. The carrot's purpose isn't for the horse to eat it, but to motivate movement. It's an incentive to guide the horse in a desired direction.

Life Application:

In our lives, certain outcomes we become attached to are merely meant to get us moving. Behind that "carrot" lies a warehouse full of hay - a lifetime's worth of sustenance. The carrot simply points us toward greater discoveries.


- A potential relationship might seem like the goal, but it could lead to a business partnership with a relative you meet through that person.

- A job opportunity might be the carrot that leads you to a completely different, more fulfilling career path.

The Principle:

Attachment to any single outcome is like fixating on the carrot. You're settling for less. Understanding this principle allows you to use it advantageously.

Brain Function and Spirituality:

Our analytical mind (left brain) can only conceive possibilities based on past experiences. It's the right side of our brain, our intuitive, spiritual side that receives "downloads" of infinite possibilities. When you see the carrot, it represents what your left brain perceives as best. But behind it lie unimaginable riches from the spiritual realm.

Scripture Connection:

Ephesians 3:20 echoes this concept: "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us."

This verse suggests that what we can imagine (the carrot) pales in comparison to the immeasurable riches the spirit has in store for us.

Why settle for the carrot when you can have a hundred warehouses of hay? Stay open to greater possibilities beyond your immediate goals.

A Personal Example: From Barn Doors to Blogging

My journey illustrates this principle perfectly. When I left my barn door making business to pursue coaching full-time, coaching itself was my "carrot." However, I remained open to the possibility that this path might lead to other unexpected opportunities.

Instead of fixating on a specific outcome, I followed the "closed doors" - exploring different avenues, client types, and fields to discover what resonated with me. This approach revealed valuable insights:

1. Client Mismatch: Working with clients who were resistant to change, unwilling to invest in themselves, or lacked commitment was exhausting. This was a clear sign that they weren't my ideal clients - a closed door that guided me away from that path.

2. Unexpected Discovery: Through this process of elimination and exploration, I stumbled upon blogging - something I'd never previously considered. To my surprise, I found that I loved it. Now, I'm excited every week to share a new post.

3. The Power of Pursuit: Had I not chased the "carrot" of coaching, I might never have discovered my passion for blogging. I would have never imagined enjoying writing so much, yet here I am.

This experience reinforces the importance of detaching from any particular outcome. By pursuing the carrot of coaching, I was led to a fulfilling avenue I couldn't have anticipated. It saved me from potentially remaining stuck with exhausting, uncommitted clients and opened the door to a new passion.

Everything is "For" You

A few months ago, a client told me that something I taught them "wasn't working." In retrospect, it was working flawlessly - just not in the way they expected. It was showing them exactly what not to do, serving a crucial purpose. This experience led them away from ineffective strategies and towards greater opportunities.

This illustrates a powerful principle: our perspective shapes our reality.

If you believe something is happening "to" you:

- You may feel like a victim of circumstances

- You might miss valuable lessons

- Opportunities for growth could be overlooked

If you believe everything is happening "for" you:

- You'll seek the lesson in every situation

- Challenges become stepping stones

- You'll be more resilient and adaptable

Your mindset acts like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe events are working against you, they'll seem to conform to that negative expectation. But if you approach every situation - no matter how it initially appears - as happening for your benefit, you'll find ways to turn it to your advantage.

This shift in perspective doesn't change external events, but it dramatically alters how you respond to them. By viewing everything as happening "for" you, you empower yourself to find the silver lining in any cloud and to leverage even seemingly negative experiences for your personal growth and success.

Remember: It's not what happens to you, but how you interpret and respond to it that determines its ultimate impact on your life.

The Carrot Perspective: Seeing Opportunity in Every Obstacle

Bringing it all back to our carrot analogy, adopting the view that everything happens FOR you transforms every obstacle into a potential carrot, leading you to greater opportunities.

When things don't unfold as expected, remember

1. The Carrot's True Purpose: Just as the carrot leads the horse, your initial goal or expectation (even if unmet) has brought you to this point for a reason.

2. Hidden Directions: This unexpected turn might be pointing out something crucial - perhaps a widespread problem you're uniquely positioned to solve.

3. Bigger Picture: What seems like a setback could be the carrot leading you to your "warehouse of hay" - an opportunity far greater than your original goal.

4. Learning Opportunities: Each "failure" or obstacle is a carrot offering valuable lessons and insights.

5. Problem-Solving Potential: Your challenges might be guiding you towards developing solutions that could benefit not just you, but people worldwide.

By viewing every situation through this "carrot lens," you remain open to the hidden opportunities in each experience. 

Remember, the carrot's value isn't in itself, but in where it leads you. Similarly, life's challenges aren't endpoints, but signposts guiding you to greater discoveries and opportunities.


High Performance Success Coach

Joseph J. Lilavois

High Performance Success Coach

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