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Discovering a Hidden Passion: Writing as a Path to Growth

Passion drives me, and by following this creative urge to write, I believe my words will reach those who need them most. Someone out there will "stumble" upon the perfect message to guide them through their current season. That's the beauty of shared experiences - they connect and inspire.

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To everyone who's been part of this journey so far - thank you. Your engagement and support mean everything.

Stay Conscious and Go Create!


Daily Pages, Lasting Change: The Power of Journaling Practice

July 13, 20244 min read

Daily Pages, Lasting Change: The Power of Journaling Practice



I first encountered the concept of revision through Neville Goddard's teachings. While I can't recall the specific book, Goddard introduced me to a powerful idea: using imagination to revise your day, replacing unfavorable events with preferred outcomes.

This practice has become my nightly ritual, so integral to my growth that I created a Daily Journal to capture it.

Major Change Journal

This journal provides a snapshot of your day's:

- Happenings

- Dreams

- Symbols

- Successes

- Failures

- Feelings

- Revisions

The power of this journal lies in its ability to:

1. Focus your attention on what you might normally dismiss as coincidence

2. Exercise your imagination and manifestation muscles by revising less-than-ideal experiences

Revision acknowledges our current reality while empowering us to shape a preferred future. By revisiting and revising our day, we are creating the life we desire, instead of settling for what is handed to us.

The revision process serves as a practical tool for reprogramming our subconscious, aligning our inner world with our desired outer reality.

Remember, the subconscious doesn't distinguish between vividly imagined experiences and "real" ones. By revising our day, we're essentially creating new, empowering memories that can influence our future experiences.

Journaling: Harnessing Your Source Power

You have Source Power living within you. God is the "I AM" of man. This power is a tool for creation, not limitation. Why use it to amplify the negative? Whatever you focus on, you receive. Whatever you focus on grows. So why not direct your attention to what truly matters, giving no energy to what doesn't?

When we journal and reflect on our "DAILY" happenings, feelings, dreams, successes, stressors and revisions, we're focusing on change. That's exactly what we'll receive. We're attuning ourselves to revelation and direction from all our daily experiences. Most of these we are typically unaware of, often dismissing them as mere coincidence.

By consciously choosing what we give our attention to in our journaling, we're essentially programming our future. We're telling the universe, "This is what I choose to grow in my life."

Imagine the shift in your reality if you consistently acknowledged and amplified the positive in your daily experiences. How might your life transform if you viewed each day as a series of messages and opportunities from your Source Power?

Transmutation: The Alchemy of Personal Growth

99% of my blogs include the term transmutation. It's central to our purpose here in the "School of Earth." We chose to come here to learn how to use negative energy and transmute it into positive. Better yet, to use both positive and negative to create light.

In my journal, I've dedicated a space to annotate the issues and patterns in your life you wish to transmute. This aligns perfectly with the core mission of this site, my life, and this blog - all dedicated to "Major Change."

Daily entries in this section reveal life patterns. For instance, if you find yourself writing about fear of scarcity almost every day for a month, you'll recognize the need to transmute this fear into faith. Under "issues to transmute," you'll list this as a key area for change this year.

The act of writing gives focus to these issues. Whatever you focus on, you receive. Your subconscious, the Universe, God, Source - whatever name resonates with you - begins creating circumstances for you to work out and transmute these issues.

This daily practice allows you to witness this process unfold. You're not just passively observing; you're actively participating in your own transformation.

At the bottom of the journal, there's a section to record how you've changed from the previous day, week, or month. Noticing these subtle shifts is crucial. It places "focus" on success and gratitude, amplifying positive change.

By consistently engaging in this practice, you're:

1. Identifying patterns that need transformation

2. Focusing your energy on change

3. Partnering with the Universe in your growth

4. Tracking your progress

5. Cultivating gratitude for your evolution

Your Laboratory

Are you ready to become an alchemist of your own life? To transmute challenges into opportunities, fear into faith, scarcity into abundance?

Remember, transmutation goes beyond eliminating the negative. It involves transforming it, using it as fuel for your growth. Every challenge becomes an opportunity. Every fear, a stepping stone to faith.

Your Major Change Journal is your laboratory. Your life, the experiment. You are the alchemist. What will you transmute today?

High Performance Success Coach

Joseph J. Lilavois

High Performance Success Coach

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