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Discovering a Hidden Passion: Writing as a Path to Growth

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Beyond Words Interpreting Dream Symbols

July 14, 20245 min read

Beyond Words: Interpreting Your Dream Symbols for Personal Growth

Dream symbols

Almost daily, I find myself interpreting dreams for others. While I encourage people to look within for the meaning of their dreams, I also guide them on how to interpret their own nocturnal visions.

This practice of dream interpretation serves multiple purposes:

1. Self-awareness: Dreams often reflect our subconscious thoughts and feelings.

2. Problem-solving: Many dreams present solutions to waking life challenges.

3. Creativity boost: Dreams can be a source of inspiration and ideas.

4. Emotional processing: Dreams help us work through complex emotions.

5. Spiritual growth: For some, dreams are a conduit for spiritual messages.

Guiding others to interpret their own dreams empowers them. The focus is on teaching a skill - the ability to decode their subconscious messages.

The Process

The process of dream interpretation:

- Identifying key symbols and their personal meanings

- Recognizing recurring themes or patterns

- Connecting dream content to waking life experiences

- Exploring emotions felt during the dream

Honoring your dreams

By journaling your dreams and encouraging self-interpretation, we honor the deeply personal nature of dreams. Remember: Whatever you appreciate, "Appreciates". Honoring your dreams by journaling them creates a flow. More dreams come, more symbols and more insight.

After all, the dreamer is the ultimate expert on their own subconscious.

This approach aligns with the broader theme of personal transformation or “Major Change”. Just as we use journaling to consciously shape our waking reality, dream interpretation allows us to engage with our subconscious reality.

Benefits of Journaling your dreams

As you consistently journal your dreams, you may notice:

1. Increased dream recall

2. Greater clarity in dream symbolism

3. Emerging patterns in your subconscious thoughts

4. Enhanced problem-solving abilities

5. Deeper self-understanding

Client Experiences: Unveiling the Subconscious

When meeting with clients, I delve deeper than their spoken words. I require a subconscious snapshot of their life before analyzing their verbal expressions. The words they choose carry limited significance; the crucial information lies in their subconscious programming. This underlying programming is what truly drives their circumstances and shapes their reality.

All my clients must complete a daily breakdown, providing the information I need for a clear picture. Each box must be filled, even if seemingly without information:

- Dream Symbols Box: If no dreams occurred, they write, "Please speak to me in my dreams." Remarkably, they all begin receiving dreams.

- Meditation Symbols Box: If they don't meditate, they must acknowledge it: "I don't meditate." Writing this daily creates awareness of the need to start meditating and highlights a missed avenue for spiritual direction.

What You Focus on Expands

By requiring this daily practice, clients begin to:

- Recognize the power of intention (e.g., asking for dreams)

- Acknowledge areas for growth (e.g., starting a meditation practice)

- Understand the link between their subconscious and their circumstances

This approach aligns with the principle: what you focus on expands. By consistently acknowledging these areas, clients naturally begin to see changes and growth.

Have you considered how such a daily practice might reveal your own subconscious patterns? What might you discover about yourself by consistently tracking these aspects of your inner life?

Remember, transformation begins with awareness. By shining a light on these often-overlooked areas, we create the opportunity for Major Change and growth.

Symbolism: The Language of the Subconscious

Dreams, as you know, often puzzle us with their indirect communication. Their meanings frequently elude us, leading us to dismiss them

The reason for this confusion lies in the use of symbols. The subconscious communicates through symbols, often using ones already familiar to you. This is why you can't simply Google dream interpretations - each dreamer has their own unique symbols tied to their personal subconscious programming.

Consider this example from one of my clients:

Dream: I was in the passenger seat of their car, repeatedly attempting to take control of the steering wheel. The client kept preventing me from doing so.


- Car: Represents the client's life (Think of the phrase "Jesus take the wheel" - it's about life, not an actual car)

- Me: To this client, I represent "God's leading," as I've been her "Spiritual Teacher" for 25 years

- The struggle: Symbolizes the client's resistance to allowing divine guidance in their life

An internet search for this dream's meaning might come close but would likely lead to more confusion without knowing what I specifically represent to this client. Only the dreamer truly knows what each symbol means in their dreams, though they may not be consciously aware of it.


This is where my guidance becomes most valuable. By combining the client's personal knowledge with my years of experience in symbolism, we can uncover deeper meanings and insights.

Ultimately, I help my clients best by encouraging them to journal their dreams and also write down the interpretation of each so they can begin to see for themselves the language of their subconscious. 

The client benefits from this tremendously as they not only see what the subconscious programming is, but also becomes familiar and more connected to themselves on a deeper level.

By encouraging this practice, we're not just interpreting individual dreams; we're teaching a valuable life skill. Clients learn to navigate their inner landscape, becoming their own guides in the journey of self-discovery.

This process also strengthens the connection between the conscious and subconscious mind. As clients become more fluent in their personal symbolic language, they often find increased clarity and purpose in their waking lives.


Have you considered starting a dream journal? What insights might you gain from regularly recording and interpreting your dreams?

Remember, your subconscious holds a wealth of wisdom. By learning to understand its language, you open yourself to a deeper, more authentic way of living.

If you are interested in the Journal I use, and want to give back to me, please click on the image below.


High Performance Success Coach

Joseph J. Lilavois

High Performance Success Coach

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