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Robotic Affirmations

Robotic Affirmations

July 30, 20245 min read

Harnessing the Power of Robotic Affirmations for Subconscious Reprogramming

robotic affirmations

Introduction to Robotic Affirming:

I've recently begun practicing "robotic affirming," a technique of continuous repetition of a specific phrase. My chosen affirmation is "I have a lavish, steady, dependable income, consistent with integrity and mutual benefit." I have this affirmation on loop on YouTube, voiced by Neville Goddard, playing constantly in the background as I work, relax, eat, and even sleep.

The Millikan Method: A Success Story:

This method of robotic affirming is said to have powerful effects, as illustrated by a story about Dr. Robert Millikan. When he was a young man struggling with poverty, Millikan reportedly learned about this technique. Determined to change his circumstances, he isolated himself in a room and, while fasting from food and water, spent sixteen hours repeating the affirmation:

"I have a lavish, steady, dependable income, consistent with integrity and mutual benefit."

The story suggests that this practice of robotic affirming transformed Millikan's life. He went on to become a Nobel Prize recipient and, by the end of his life, had reportedly achieved all his aspirations.

The Science Behind Robotic Affirming:

Having written several blogs on robotic affirming and its impact on my life and my clients' lives, I can attest to its effectiveness. The principle behind this practice is simple yet powerful:

Your brain can only focus on one thing at a time. By continuously repeating these affirmations, you prevent your mind from unconsciously dwelling on past hurts or worrying about future problems, which is the default state for many people.

It's been said that repeating anything 5,000 times creates a new neurological pathway in the brain. Intrigued by this claim, I decided to put it to the test. I applied this principle to various phrases, tailored to my current life situations. The results have been incredible, not just for me but even more so for my clients. Many have reported experiencing supernatural results that they struggle to explain.

Through robotic affirming, we're essentially reprogramming our minds, replacing negative thought patterns with positive, empowering ones. The consistent repetition seems to bypass our conscious resistance and directly influence our subconscious mind, leading to profound changes in our beliefs, behaviors, and ultimately, our life circumstances.

Overcoming Skepticism: Personal Experience:

Initially, I was skeptical about robotic affirming as a method for subconscious reprogramming. However, after putting it to the test, I've found it to be remarkably effective. I had previously assumed that any impactful mental technique would require conscious, laser-focused effort. My experience has proven otherwise.

What I've come to realize is that during our routine daily activities, our minds typically operate on autopilot, wandering to habitual thoughts.

Robotic affirming, however, hijacks this autopilot mode. As we engage in mundane tasks, the repeated affirmations seamlessly integrate into our mental background. This integration feels more natural to our brain than a deliberate, conscious approach.

The key advantage of this method is its subtlety. Instead of triggering the brain's natural caution towards unfamiliar conscious efforts, robotic affirming gently suggests to the mind, "This is us. This is normal." This approach allows the affirmations to bypass our mental defenses and settle more deeply into our subconscious, potentially leading to more profound and lasting changes.

Rewiring Default Thought Patterns:

Robotic affirming functions by overwriting your mind's default thought patterns. The persistent repetition of affirmations serves to replace ingrained mental triggers. For instance, if your mind habitually defaults to fearful thoughts of scarcity, your chosen affirmations should reflect the new default state you wish to cultivate. "I have a lavish, steady, dependable income, consistent with integrity and mutual benefit"

Your subconscious mind plays a pivotal role in shaping your reality. It's the driving force behind the life you currently experience, consistently manifesting your circumstances based on its existing programming. This subconscious programming isn't fixed, however. It can be altered through various methods, with robotic affirming standing out as a particularly effective technique.

By employing robotic affirming, you're essentially reprogramming your subconscious mind. This process allows you to rewrite the mental scripts that have been dictating your life experiences, potentially leading to significant changes in your perceptions, behaviors, and ultimately, your lived reality.

Leveraging Alpha States for Deeper Impact:

The most potent yet challenging method I employ for subconscious reprogramming capitalizes on the 'alpha state' - a period when the subconscious is most receptive to new programming.

This state naturally occurs twice daily: just before falling asleep and upon waking, when you're still in a semi-conscious, groggy state.

During these alpha states, your conscious mind hasn't fully engaged or disengaged, creating a brief window where thoughts can directly imprint on your subconscious. This presents a daily opportunity for personal transformation. However, if left un-utilized, your existing subconscious programming simply reinforces itself, explaining why change can be challenging without intentional effort.

This concept aligns with biblical wisdom advising against harboring negative thoughts before sleep. "Do not let the sun go down on your wrath"

Dwelling on problems or anger before bed risks programming these as your new default state, potentially manifesting more negativity in your future.

Practical Application of Alpha State Programming:

To leverage this phenomenon:

Before sleep: Focus intensely on positive thoughts and visualize your ideal life, regardless of the day's events or your current emotions.

Upon waking: Before fully rising (keeping your head below shoulder level), immerse yourself in vivid imaginings of your dream life as if it's your current reality.

Once you physically rise, (once your head is lifted up above your shoulders) your conscious mind activates to navigate the tangible world, while your subconscious begins manifesting the reality you've programmed during these critical alpha states.

Personalized Guidance for Effective Implementation:

For those seeking guidance on implementing these techniques, I offer personalized assistance. You can schedule a consultation with me [here] to receive tailored support. During our session, I will:

1. Help you select an effective robotic affirmation tailored to your goals.

2. Guide you through the process of crafting powerful visualizations for use during alpha states.

3. Teach you the most impactful methods for imagining your desired outcomes, maximizing the effectiveness of your subconscious reprogramming efforts.

This one-on-one guidance can help you navigate the nuances of both robotic affirming and alpha state programming, setting you on a path to more effectively reshape your subconscious and, by extension, your life experiences.

Happy Affirming!


High Performance Success Coach

Joseph J. Lilavois

High Performance Success Coach

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