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Discovering a Hidden Passion: Writing as a Path to Growth

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Poverty Unleashed

July 08, 20244 min read

Poverty Unleashed


I had a meeting last week with one of my Yearly Transformation clients. We track his 3D symbols, dreams, meditations and circumstances and decode them weekly. He had an incredible transformation from victim to victor and became a very successful real estate investor.

On one of our weekly calls, we were discussing the previous message we had explored in our millionaire mindset group that week. The topic was "waiting" on customers and sales and how quickly we can fall into the trap of believing we "need" the sale or the customer to be our "provider". We both realized that we were unconsciously entertaining a scarcity mindset.

During our meeting, my client told me about an event that unfolded during one of his visits to an empty lot that a client wanted to develop. He said, "I was pulling up in my Tesla, dressed as a successful businessman, and began taking pictures of this lot in a very poor neighborhood. There was a run-down shack on the property where two people were apparently living. They opened the front door, and out ran the biggest Rottweiler I'd ever seen. It charged towards me and began barking at very close range. I resisted it at first and was able to get in my car and escape the entire ordeal."

Knowing that I decode these 3D reflections quite well, he noted to talk to me about it. He had googled what the symbols may represent but didn't get anything that resonated with him.

He simply forgot about the incident and went to a bar and grill to celebrate his recent successes and manifestations. He recounted, "I told the bartender to surprise me with a beer of her choice. She ended up giving me a Hawaiian beer - I watched her pour it from the tap. But when she handed it to me, she thought it was another brand and told me it was something else. I knew it was the Hawaiian beer, though, because I had seen her pour it."

He knew he had to tell me about this because we interpret his 3D circumstances, dreams, and meditations every week. Recognizing its significance, he jotted it down in his Major Change Journal and shared it with me during our weekly meeting.

When my client first came to me, he had just suffered a breakup with a girlfriend and was in the red in his real estate business. He had started a new development company with only one deal in the works. We began meeting and decoding his symbols and messages. Within a few months, things had changed significantly. He had met a beautiful woman from Hawaii and was learning not to define his circumstances. Definitions and belief systems are recreated in your life constantly until you change them. His 3D circumstances were reflecting his definitions, but these were not obvious to him at first.

He was unconsciously in a state of resistance, which was also resisting abundance. He had finally dealt with his definitions and resistance to the point that things began to flow really well for him. He became very successful, and the deals kept coming in, to the point that it was time to celebrate. It was at this point that he encountered the Rottweiler.

His circumstances were reflecting back to him the inner change that he had recently made. Pulling up in his Tesla in his business clothing, he was the epitome of wealth to the poor people in the neighborhood. They resisted the wealthy and had negative definitions of wealth.

The dog which came out of the house of poverty came out to "resist" him. It was like the spirit of poverty and scarcity was upset they had lost their grip on him. That was his old mindset in opposition to the new. The new mindset was then confirmed when the "Hawaiian" beer was "accidentally" given to him, which of course represented his ideal life. Hawaii being the place he wanted to live with his new Hawaiian girlfriend. The old fearful dog of scarcity couldn't touch him now!

If you would like to check out the "transmuting scarcity" blog, you can do so here.

Journaling my daily symbols, my dreams, the "messages" I get in meditation amongst other things, is a daily practice for me. If I miss a day, I miss too many important leadings from my Higher Self, from my spirit man, from Source/God. I am so glad I created this journal that helps me see everything on one page daily. I now use it in my sessions with my clients to decode what God/Source is saying to them.

Here's a link to the journal. It is a pdf of master pages for you to print.

High Performance Success Coach

Joseph J. Lilavois

High Performance Success Coach

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