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Money Talks

Money Talks: Decoding Your Financial Mindset Through Visualization

July 17, 20246 min read

Money Talks: Decoding Your Financial Mindset Through Visualization

Introduction: The Power of Money Mindset Meetings

Money Mindset

This morning, I attended my regular Money Mindset Group meeting—an event I always eagerly anticipate. These sessions are incredibly revealing, as we engage in open, often vulnerable conversations about our financial mindsets. Through this process, we frequently uncover limiting beliefs we didn't even know existed. Recognizing these patterns is a significant victory in itself.

Meet Abby: Personifying Abundance

During today's meeting, I elaborated on my unique relationship with "Abby." For those unfamiliar, Abby is short for Abundance—a personification of money I've created to transform my relationship with finances. Instead of viewing money as an abstract concept or mere tool, I've given it a persona. This approach allows me to form a personal connection and partnership with money in my business endeavors.

Communicating with Money

When financial situations seem challenging, I can directly communicate with Abby, asking for guidance or clarity. Remarkably, Abby always responds in some form, providing insights or unexpected opportunities.

Journaling and Revelations

Last week, I jotted down several money-related questions in my journal. Interestingly, during our Money Mindset Meeting this morning, Abby seemed to address these queries through the group discussions and revelations.

The Impact of Personification

This personification technique has profoundly impacted my financial outlook. By fostering a relationship with money, I've found new ways to navigate financial challenges and opportunities. If you're interested in exploring this concept further, I encourage you to read my previous blog post [My Meeting W/Money] where I delve deeper into the origin and benefits of my relationship with Abby.

Revelation from Dates with Money

Group Experiences

Since introducing the concept of Abby, many in our group have embarked on their own "dates" with money. These encounters have been incredibly enlightening, revealing unique insights into each person's relationship with finances.

Mr. J's Money Date

In this morning's meeting, "Mr. J" shared his fascinating experience.

Upon sitting down for his date, money initially appeared as a child, then transformed into a fog. From this mist emerged a face resembling Ronald Reagan, the actor-turned-40th President of the United States.

As Mr. J recounted his story during our Zoom call, Abby, seated beside me in spirit, whispered, "He keeps me at a distance." This observation would prove significant as our discussion unfolded.

The Billionaire's Anecdote

Our group includes a billionaire member who once hosted President Clinton at an event, taking photos with him—an opportunity many now pay handsomely for, often $30,000 to $50,000 per picture. This sparked a conversation about how we interact with famous people in public. While it seemed we were veering off-topic, the relevance became clear when Mr. J stated he would keep his distance from the president in public, paying him little attention.

Abby's Insight

Suddenly, Abby's earlier whisper made perfect sense. "I told you," she emphasized, "he keeps me at a distance." It was no coincidence that Mr. J envisioned a president during his money date—it reflected his subconscious view of money as a powerful force he respected but kept at arm's length. This explains the initial fog and the indistinct image of Ronald Reagan in his visualization.

The Power of Symbolic Imagery

This revelation demonstrates how our subconscious beliefs towards money can manifest in unexpected ways. Having a "date" with money exposes these limiting beliefs through symbolic imagery, communicating to our conscious minds more effectively than words ever could.

Interpreting the Symbols

The vivid symbolism in Mr. J's experience—the child, the fog, and the presidential figure—provides a powerful visual representation of his relationship with money. These images offer a unique window into his subconscious, revealing attitudes and beliefs he may not have been fully aware of.

Bypassing Logical Defenses

This approach of personifying and interacting with money in an imaginary scenario allows individuals to bypass their logical defenses and tap directly into their deeper feelings and beliefs about finances. The resulting symbols and interactions serve as a bridge between the subconscious and conscious mind, making abstract concepts tangible and easier to understand and address.

The Path to Financial Growth

By recognizing these subconscious patterns through such symbolic encounters, we can begin to identify and challenge our limiting beliefs about money. This awareness is the first step towards reshaping our money mindset and developing a healthier, more productive relationship with our finances.

Doubts and Discoveries

Addressing Skepticism

You may question the validity of these "encounters" with money, but their reality is not the point. This exercise serves as a powerful tool to uncover what's imprinted on your subconscious mind about finances.

The Uniqueness of Subconscious Imagery

Your subconscious is uniquely yours. If I asked you to close your eyes and envision money sitting at a table with you, your mental image would differ completely from the person next to you. In my Sunday morning group, ten individuals had ten distinct visions, each one unique to their personal experiences and beliefs. One participant even saw money as a bulldozer!

Authentic Representations of Beliefs

These images aren't real in a physical sense, but they're authentic representations of your beliefs. Many people are unaware of what's written on their subconscious mind. Using this visualization technique is like discovering a gold mine in the process of self-discovery.

Bypassing Conscious Defenses

The power of this exercise lies in its ability to bypass our conscious defenses and tap directly into our deeper beliefs. By giving form to our abstract notions about money, we can more easily identify and address limiting beliefs or negative associations.

Transforming Perceptions

This process can lead to instant transformations in how we perceive and interact with money. Once we see our subconscious beliefs displayed so vividly, we can begin to challenge and reshape them, paving the way for a healthier financial mindset.

Embracing the Process

Remember, the goal isn't to judge these visions but to use them as stepping stones towards greater self-awareness and financial well-being. Whether you see money as a fog, a president, or a bulldozer, each image offers valuable insights into your relationship with finances.

Decoding Symbols: The Key to Unlocking Your Money Mindset

The Challenge of Interpretation

Many people get stuck when interpreting the symbols they encounter during this visualization exercise. Not fully grasping the meaning behind these images, they often dismiss the experience as "woo-woo" and move on.

However, decoding these symbols is where my expertise truly shines. With over 30 years of study and practice in symbol interpretation, I've honed this skill to help others uncover profound insights about their financial mindsets.

Further Reading

If you're interested in diving deeper into the world of symbol interpretation, I recently wrote a blog post titled "Decoding Dream Symbols" that explores this topic further.

Personal Invitation

I'd like to extend a personal invitation to meet with me one-on-one. Together, we'll go through the visualization exercise, and I'll guide you through the process of decoding your unique symbols. One session is typically all we need to uncover valuable insights.

Additionally, I can provide you with tools to change limiting beliefs and transform your financial mindset, often resulting in immediate shifts in your real-world finances.

Booking Information

To take advantage of this opportunity, you can book a full hour appointment with me HERE. I also offer a free 15-minute consultation


I always look forward to meeting new people and hearing their stories and visions about money. Your unique perspective and symbols could unlock the door to a more abundant financial future. Let's decode your money mindset together!

High Performance Success Coach

Joseph J. Lilavois

High Performance Success Coach

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