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Discovering a Hidden Passion: Writing as a Path to Growth

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money mindset

Donuts and Dollars

July 12, 20247 min read

Donuts and Dollars: Symbols of a New Abundance Mindset

money mindset


In my blog "A Date with Money," I introduced you to "Abby" - my personification of money. Since that initial imagination exercise, I've noticed undeniable changes in my life, all stemming from this newfound relationship.

Abby, short for Abundance, has become my business partner. She's not just "money" anymore. By personifying her as a caring, respectful older woman who loves to lavish me with gifts and opportunities, I've transformed my entire relationship with wealth.

This shift in perspective is profound. Before, money intimidated me. It loomed larger than life, bigger than me. I was subservient to it, a slave cowering in fear.

Now? Money is a nurturing ally. It's no longer an abstract concept or a domineering force. It's Abby - supportive, generous, and eager to see me succeed.

A Friendly Face

This transformation goes beyond mere positive thinking. It's a complete rewiring of my subconscious beliefs towards abundance. By giving money a friendly face, I've made it approachable, even welcoming.

The results are tangible. Opportunities seem to appear more frequently. Financial decisions feel less daunting. There's a sense of partnership in my financial journey, rather than a struggle against an impersonal force.

This experience underscores a crucial truth: our relationship with money is just that - a relationship. And like any relationship, it can be reshaped, reimagined, and renewed.

What if you reimagined your relationship with money? How might your financial reality shift if abundance became a supportive partner rather than an elusive goal?

As within so without! The way we perceive our world shapes our experience of it. By changing how I see money, I've changed how money shows up in my life.

Symbols: The Language of the Subconscious

On my date with money, I asked Abby for a symbol of our newfound relationship. Something my subconscious could use as a reminder, a way for my new business partner to speak to me. This symbol would serve as a bridge between my dreams and my 3D circumstances, a sign that Abby was communicating.

Abby's response? "A donut."

At first, I was puzzled. A donut? What connection could that possibly have with money? 

But then it clicked. Everything!


A donut has two circles - an inner circle and an outer circle. This dual nature mirrors the ancient alchemy symbol: "As within, so without."

as within so without

Abby's choice was profound. The donut represents how my inner beliefs will be reflected in my outer world. It's a constant reminder that my internal relationship with abundance shapes my external financial reality.

This symbol does more than just represent money. It encapsulates a whole philosophy:

1. The inner circle: Our beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes about wealth

2. The outer circle: The manifestation of those beliefs in our physical world

3. The hole: The space for growth and new possibilities

4. The sweetness: The joy and pleasure abundance brings to our lives

A Familiar Symbol

Now, when I see a donut - in dreams, in daily life, anywhere - I know it's Abby speaking. It's a reminder of our partnership and the power of aligning my inner and outer worlds.

This simple symbol has become a powerful tool in my subconscious reprogramming. It's a constant, sweet reminder that my relationship with abundance starts from within.

Intentions: The Power of Shifting Perspectives

Because I made an intention to change my perspective on money, it has surprised me on many occasions, even in the smallest of ways, reminding me that I am now in a relationship with money.

The other day, I went to a donut shop to buy my son his regular three donuts. For years, our tradition has been to stop at this shop on our way home, getting the same three donuts for him to enjoy throughout the weekend. It's been our unchanging routine.

But after my newfound relationship with Abby, something shifted. On our next visit, my son ordered his usual three donuts. However, when we opened the box at home, I discovered three extra round donuts the owner had given us. This had never happened before. What was different this time?

Abby! It was Abby giving to me. She was pursuing me again, chasing me down with the sweetness of our newfound relationship. A reminder that money is here to serve and help us while here on earth.

This wasn't just a coincidence. It was confirmation of our relationship and a reminder that as a man thinks, so is he. As within, so without.

The extra donuts symbolized more than just free treats. They represented:

1. Unexpected abundance

2. The generosity of God

3. The power of changing our internal narrative

4. As within so without

This small incident reinforced the profound truth: our intentions and beliefs shape our reality. By changing my relationship with money, I opened myself to receiving in ways I hadn't before.

Journaling: Honoring the Journey of Change

I make sure to honor these little victories in my "Major Change Journal" daily. Because "What you appreciate, appreciates," but what you dishonor, you can never receive from.

In my journal, I purposely created a section for gratitude called "Today's Successes." I also have a section for "Today's Stressors." This dual focus serves a crucial purpose: it allows me to reflect back at the end of the year on what my stressors were and whether they've been transmuted. This lets me know if I've changed or stayed the same.

Daily, I write down the smallest change, honoring all the good coming my way and redefining the negative as happening FOR me, not TO me. 

This newfound practice has proven to be the catalyst for my "Major Change."

Here's why it's so powerful:

1. Gratitude amplification: By acknowledging small victories, we train our minds to spot more positives.

2. Stress transformation: Viewing stressors as opportunities for growth changes our relationship with challenges.

3. Progress tracking: Regular entries provide a clear picture of our evolution over time.

4. Mindset shift: Reframing negatives as happening "for" us cultivates resilience and optimism.

5. Accountability: Daily journaling keeps us committed to our growth journey.

By consistently documenting both successes and stressors, we create a roadmap of our transformation. We see patterns emerge, celebrate progress, and identify areas for further growth.

This practice isn't just about recording events; it's about actively shaping our perception of reality. It's a powerful tool for manifesting change, one entry at a time.

Major Change” often begins with minor shifts in perspective. Your journal could be the key to unlocking your next level of growth and abundance.

Homework: Your Date with Abundance

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to have a date with money. This isn't just an exercise; it's an invitation to transform your relationship with abundance.

Here's your mission:

1. Have a date with money. Set aside time for this important encounter.

2. Journal your experience. Document every detail, every feeling, every revelation.

3. Break down how money shows up for you. Be honest about your current relationship with it.

4. Reimagine money. Change your image of it until it perfectly represents how you want it to show up in your life.

5. Create a symbol together. Collaborate with your new vision of money to create a symbol your subconscious can use to remind you, speak to you, and give to you.

6. Watch for your "Major Change." Stay alert to the shifts, big and small, in your financial reality.

Remember, this process is unique to you. Your symbol, your personification of money, your revelations - they'll be as individual as you are.

Now, it's time to step into this new reality. Time to rewrite your abundance story. Time to watch your Major Change unfold.

To watch my YouTube video on my encounter with Abby, click here

Go create!

High Performance Success Coach

Joseph J. Lilavois

High Performance Success Coach

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