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Climbing Jacob's Ladder

July 16, 20244 min read

Climbing Jacob's Ladder: A Path to Inner Enlightenment

The Two Thieves

What you see with your physical eyes isn't reality. If you base your perception solely on what these eyes show you, they will steal from you. It will rob you of your true reality. Your actual reality is what you see when you close your eyes, when you shut off these thieves. 3D circumstances don't matter. You can't base your life on what you see in the physical world.

The Symbolism of Christ and the Thieves:

Consider the symbolism of the two thieves crucified alongside Christ. These thieves represent our physical eyes, while Christ symbolizes our third eye, positioned between them. Christ was crucified on a hill called "Golgotha," which means "place of the skull." Interestingly, this hill resembles a human skull. Is this mere coincidence? Or is it a hidden message, pointing us toward the human skull and hinting at how we might tap into a higher frequency, which allows us to communicate with the Divine?


The Power of Inner Vision:

This perspective challenges us to look beyond our physical sight and trust in our inner vision. It suggests that our true reality lies not in the external world, but in our internal landscape.

By closing off our physical eyes - the "thieves" that distract us with the illusions of the material world - we may access a deeper truth.

The idea of the third eye, represented by Christ in this symbolism, points to a higher consciousness or spiritual insight. It's a concept found in many spiritual traditions, often associated with enlightenment, and the ability to perceive beyond the physical realm.


Jacob's Ladder: An Internal Journey:

The story of Jacob's ladder takes on new meaning when viewed through this lens of inner spirituality. Jacob, at the base of a ladder, sees God at the top. After his dream, he names the place "Pineal". This naming suggests a connection to the pineal gland, often associated with spiritual vision.

This interpretation aligns the story with the human body itself. The ladder Jacob sees is the spine, forming a pathway from the base to the crown of the head. This parallels the concept of Kundalini energy in certain spiritual traditions.

jacob's ladder

Overcoming the Two Thieves:

By relying solely on what we see externally, we become slaves to our circumstances. We're limited by what appears to be "real" in the physical world, often missing the deeper truths and possibilities that lie beneath the surface. That's why they are called the two "thieves".

In contrast, basing our life on what we see internally - our visions, dreams, and intuitions - allows us to transcend these limitations. This internal vision aligns us with a creative force that isn't bound by current circumstances.

two thieves

Embracing Our Divine Nature:

The idea that God is The "I AM" of man is profound. It suggests that our consciousness, our awareness, is itself Divine

This view encourages us to:

1. Trust our inner vision over external appearances

2. Cultivate our ability to see beyond current circumstances

3. Recognize the divine nature of our consciousness

4. Use our imagination as a creative, world-shaping force

Dealing with Life's Challenges:

I have noticed, in my life at least, that there is a slow waking up to who I AM process. A process of "dying" to what I see, what I've learned, who I thought I was as the persona Joe, which is symbolized by the crucifixion.

As I die to that "old man" as the bible calls it, I resurrect to I AM. 

When life gets hard to handle it is only because I have chosen to put my focus on what I see. I am allowing the two thieves to steal from me. At that moment I must bear the pain of the cross and die to that reality. I choose then to close my eyes and imagine the life I desire instead. My promised land. I can be and have whatever I want in my imagination. 

The Eyes of Faith:

But Joshua and Caleb represent the eyes of faith that only see the promise and not the circumstance. They declared that nothing is impossible.

They were the only ones who entered into the promised land as the entire nation of Israel wandered for forty years. The two thieves did not steal from them!

Climbing Our Own Jacob's Ladder: 

Do I want to wander for forty years, seeing the same terrain and facing the same problems over and over? Or will I deny the thieves and believe in what I see with my inner eye? Each step we take in trusting our inner vision is like climbing another step on our own Jacob's ladder, bringing us closer to our divine potential.

I'm done wandering. I'm ready to climb that ladder, to ascend beyond the limitations of physical sight. I'm taking on the giants that threaten to keep me from my promises, using the power of my inner vision to guide me.

The journey may be challenging, but the view from the top – the perspective from within, of our true, divine self – is worth every step.


High Performance Success Coach

Joseph J. Lilavois

High Performance Success Coach

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